group of people sitting on bench near trees duting daytime Nickl, M., Sommerhoff, D.: Advancing Adaptivity of Support in Digital Learning Environments: Focusing on the Adaptivity Design. Nickl, M., Sommerhoff, D., Radkowitsch, A., Huber, S. A., Bauer, E., Ufer, S., Plass, J. L., & Seidel, T.: Effects of real-time adaptivity of scaffolding: Supporting pre-service arithmetic teachers’ evaluation abilities in simulations. Lämsä, J., de Mooij, S., Lim, L., Dever, D., Wiedbusch, M., Azevedo, R., Bannert, M., Gašević, D., Molenaar, I., & Järvelä, S.: CELLA@LAK24 workshop: Supporting Students’ Self-Regulated Learning Through Human-AI Collaboration. Munk, S.: Unterricht für morgen: Selbstreguliert, digital und differenziert? Eine Untersuchung des Zusammenhangs von Feedback und Leseleistung für verschiedene Schülergruppen und Länder. Michaeli, Tilman: Robot Karol: Eine Grabrede. Michaeli, Tilman; Kitzelmann, Emanuel; Seegerer, Stefan; Romeike, Ralf: Lernen aus Daten. Michaeli, Tilman; Sentance,Sue; Bergner, Nadine: WiPSCE ’24: Proceedings of the 19th WiPSCE Conference on Primary and Secondary Computing Education Research. As a doctoral candidate on the University of Iowa within the early 1950s, Sherman’s research led him to a method of successfully freezing and thawing sperm. 8th Annual Meeting of the Cycling Research Board, 2024 extra… Young Researcher Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (JURE EARLI)., 2024 more… Pädagogischen Landesinstitut Rheinland-Pfalz, 2024 extra… Arbeitsberichte Mobility Policy 3, 2024 more…

sport Gastvortrag an der Universität Hamburg – Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaften, 2024 extra… 8th International Choice Modelling Conference (ICMC), 2024 more… Presentation at the Sommerakademie “Mobilität der Zukunft” der Schweizerischen Studienstiftung, 2024 extra… Presentation at the Workshop on Mobility Transitions in Europe Perspectives from Munich, Brussels, and Vienna, TUM, Munich, 2024 more… Arbeitsberichte Mobility Policy 1, 2024 more… Case Studies on Transport Policy 15, 2024, 101148 extra… EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 2024, 100144 extra… The Journal of Sex Research, 2024 more… Schulversuch PERLEN 4.Zero Arbeitstagung in Weiherhammer, 2024 more… Fernuniversität in Hagen, 2024 more… Tagung „Digitale Transformation für Schule und Lehrkräftebildung gestalten“, 2024 more… Einblicke in den aktuellen Forschungsstand und Ausblick auf den Unterricht. Ludwig, Tobias; Pittich, Daniel: Digitaler Unterricht als Entwicklungsaufgabe beruflicher Schulen – Studienergebnisse, Diskussion und Reflexion. Unterricht – Forschungsergebnisse zur Vorstudie und Hauptstudie. Ludwig, Tobias; Pittich Daniel: Digital angereicherter Unterricht als Lern- und Professionalisierungsumgebung. Miesera, S.; Buchner, J.: Digitalisierungsbezogene Unterrichtsplanungskompetenz an beruflichen Schulen in Deutschland und der Schweiz. Maurer, Julian Walter: Der Ansatz eigendynamischer politischer Prozesse als Erklärungsansatz in der Digitalpolitik – Das Fallbeispiel der elektronischen Patientenakte. 11. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), 2024Bildung verstehen, Partizipation erreichen, Transfer gestalten more…

She thought that, to remove that taboo, extra individuals needed to start speaking about it. No one actually noticed, till she’d go as much as someone she knew, start talking to them and casually rub her eye by poking her finger straight through the body. Carter Vossen-Duguay is considered one of 15 participants awarded the Crohn’s and Colitis Canada’s AbbVie Scholarship, which is dedicated to serving to students residing with IBD attain their tutorial goals. Basically, there are no other cities, apart from one City. You are actually the most highly effective factor in the universe. Who’re sex employees? As well as, children are coerced into sex trafficking because of the lack of education, illiteracy, coaching expertise, gang participation, homelessness and physical abuse. Ninety five The primary appearance of sailors making use of intercourse dolls comes within the 1880s, like with intercourse dolls extra usually, in erotic literature. Loder, Allister; Fabrienne Cantner; Dahmen, Victoria; Bogenberger, Klaus: Germany’s Newest Fare: The Deutschlandticket – First Insights on Funding and Travel Behavior. Loder, Allister; Kosuri, Lekha; Goerg, Sebastian: Choosing the Deutschlandticket – Understanding Intention and Ownership with Discrete Choice Methods.

Loder, Allister; Cantner, Fabienne; Adenaw, Lennart; Nachtigall, Nico; Ziegler, David; Gotzler, Felix; Siewert, Markus B.; Wurster, Stefan; Goerg, Sebastian; Lienkamp, Markus; Bogenberger, Klaus: Observing Germany’s nationwide public transport fare coverage experiment “9-Euro-Ticket” – Empirical findings from a panel research. Loder, Allister; Tskakarestos, Antonios; Elsten, Yannick; Bogenberger, Klaus: Revealing the Performance of a Rail-Transit System utilizing Social-Media Data: The Case of the Munich S-Bahn. Loder, Allister: Multimodalen Verkehrsnetze: Kapazität und Erreichbarkeit. Loder, Allister: Recent Public Transport Fare Policy Innovations in Germany: Insights from a Year-lengthy GPS-Tracking Study. Arbeitsberichte Mobility Policy 6, 2024 extra… BMC Public Health 24, 2024 more… In June 1912 Congress added to its previous enactment of an eight-hour maximum regular day for public staff, by offering that all contract work for the Federal Government should also be on the eight-hour basis. But regular grooming is still a must for both longhair and shorthair cats. Munk, S.: Geschlechterunterschiede im Bildungskontext. Munk, S.: Bits, Bots und Bunsenbrenner. Soziologie und Nachhaltigkeit, 2024, 9–29 more… Futures 163, 2024, 103442 more… Culture 15, 2024, 1-25 more… Pädagogischer Tag am Thomas-Mann-Gymnasium München, 2024 extra…
